The Sunday school program begins at approximately 10:50 a.m. Teachers and children walk together from the 10:30 service in the sanctuary to their respective classrooms. Sunday groups end at 12:10 pm. Please be prompt in picking up your child.
During the summer at Northwest, we offer an hour of care and activities for a mixed age group during the service. We provide care for babies and toddlers and activities for older children. All children should be dropped off in Room F prior to the 10:30 service.
Why Your Participation Is Important Regular attendance is important for your child to fully reap the benefits of our faith, and build long-lasting relationships. As a parent, you can participate either as a teacher or volunteer for various projects. If your children see you involved, their commitment will strengthen. It is also a good idea to talk to your children about what they have learned and provide your own feedback.
Our faith is an active faith; a faith in action. Our program relies very heavily on the love, dedication and hard work of volunteers. We encourage you to participate in our program because for children, actions speak louder than words. Whether you teach, or help out with a special event, or serve on the Youth Programs Committee you are showing your children how important our program is to you.
Disciplinary Policy
We are always concerned about the safety and well-being of all of the children in our program. Therefore, if a child's behavior becomes too disruptive and interferes with the lesson, or a child acts in such a way as to possibly harm themselves or another child, the teacher will do whatever is necessary to protect the children. Teachers are encouraged to speak to a child who is being disruptive and then seek out the Director, as needed, who will assist with the situation and, if necessary, contact the parent. While extreme situations rarely occur, this policy enables the class to run smoothly and ensures the safety of all children. We have two teachers assigned to every room.
Babies and Toddlers
We provide a safe and nurturing atmosphere. Presently our babies and toddlers share space in our large pre-school room. Caregivers are in the room at 9:50 a.m. to give parents time to get their children settled before going to the sanctuary. Please provide your own diapers, bottles, etc. as needed. A favorite toy or blanket may help your child feel more comfortable. A snack will be served. Toddlers are welcome to participate in the pre-school programming.
Religious Education Program for Children and Youth Welcome! The mission of our Religious Education (RE) program is to provide a structured, caring environment that nurtures each person and provides opportunities for religious discovery and personal growth. Our religion is not a fixed faith, defined by a particular set of beliefs. Our emphasis is on living a life of freedom controlled by responsible attitudes, rather than living by doctrines and rules. The six major goals of our program are:
To affirm the dignity and worth of every human being
To teach our young people about our Unitarian Universalist heritage and principles
To acquaint our young people with the values, beliefs and history of other religions.
To foster a feeling of community among our youth for our church and for the world at large.
To respect the earth and the interdependence of its living systems.
To study, reflect on, and celebrate life.
How Our Program Works
Our Youth Programs Committee and Director of Religious Education meet once a month to plan and implement our program. The Director works 20 hours per week. Together, The Director and YP Committee set goals for religious growth and learning. They plan the curricula, recruit and support the teachers, plan special events and service projects. A teacher training workshop or grade level meetings are held each year to assist our volunteers with the job of teaching our children. What We OfferWe provide childcare for babies, toddlers and pre-school age children from 9:50 a.m. to 11:35. Kindergarten age through High School attend the first 20 minutes of the gathering service beginning at 10:00 a.m. This gives parents a wonderful opportunity to teach their children appropriate behavior for worship service. Children should be encouraged to learn to respect the quiet times of the service as well as participate during the appropriate times.