We are a group of diverse interests whose focus is Social Justice as it relates to our Unitarian Principals. We seek to engage our congregation and the greater community in issues that pursue justice and equality for all people and our environment. We are advocates in clean water and water justice, women’s health and equality, fair wage, immigration, equitable healthcare for all, hunger, poverty, Black Lives Matter, Me Too Movement, education, gun violence and LGBTQ issues.
Upcoming Events Stay tuned to this space for the latest in NWUU social, political involvement. All events, unless otherwise noted, take place at Northwest UU Church, and are open to all. Be assured that we are continuing our work in this time of social distancing.
On-going Projects
The 8th Principle Project The Black Lives of UU (BLUU) Organizing Collective encourages all Unitarian Universalists to advocate for the formal adoption of an 8th principle which would articulate a commitment to the dismantling of white supremacy within the stated principles of our faith.
The 8th Principle is our proposal to be in covenant with the Beloved Community. Covenants can change a culture. They hold the potential to transform relationships, communities and institutions.
To learn more click on our 8th Principle: Building a Culture of Inclusion Workshop LINK ...
Worthy Causes Share the Plate Half of the Sunday Service plate collections will go towards a community organization. To give: text to 248-574-8034 with the amount + plate, ex. 10 plate. OR Donate --> https://northwestuu.breezechms.com/give/online
The ACLU People Power Action Committee meets the 2nd Saturday of every month at 3:00 p.m. at NWUU. For more info, contact Scott Reilly, [email protected].
Sponsored by the NWUU Social Justice, Action, and Outreach Committee. Posts by MJSpear